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Judged by the Cover - Best of 2023

Writer's picture: Josh WilhelmJosh Wilhelm

Join us as we look back at some of our favorite album covers, physical packaging, music and more from 2023!

Welcome to the first Judged by the Cover of 2024!! With a new year come big changes, so everyone give a warm welcome to our new co-host Phil Hyland! Phil has been on the show before as a guest, and he brings a totally different music perspective and energy to the show that I'm really excited about.

To kick off this new season, I thought it would be fun to look at some of our favorite album covers, physical packaging, and music from 2023. This could be albums that dropped in 2023, or stuff that we discovered this year. We talk everything form cover art to books and autobiographies, so make sure you check it out using the player above, or on any of your favorite podcasting apps.

Below you find the images and links to the items we talked about on the podcast

Album Cover of the Year

Grandville - This self titled debut album by the band Grandville was Josh's #1 album cover of the year. I loved all the detail in the image, the interior of the car specifically, and the overall design and mood of this cover. It also helps that the album it self rocks!! For a group of young guys from Athens GA, this album sure packs great song writing and sweet guitar tones to go along with the amazing cover art. Check it out using the links below.

Cover art for album Grandville

There's a really cool in process video of the creation of this album cover, use the link below to view it on instagram.

Music Video for the song Terrible Things

Phils 2023 Discovery

Willy Tea Taylor - Knuckellball Prime

Phil had the opportunity to see Willy Tea Taylor in Chattanooga, opening up for an artist at Songbirds. Phil fell in love with the raw and authentic nature to Willy Tea Taylor's music. Check out Phils favorite album out below, and make sure to listen to the song Chickamauga!

Cover art for Willy Tea Taylor Knuckleball Prime

Physical Packaging of the Year

Jelly Roll - Whitsitt Chapel - The Hymnal

Just look at this thing!!! You just don't see new music being released in a format like this. The world of music has become so digital with Spotify and Apple music being our first gateways to new music. If you have one of these that you want to send to my please let me know!

Jelly Roll Whitsitt Chapel The Hymnal Packaging

Use the link below to view all the promo material, for this album Whitsitt Chapel and let us know if you find it as cool as we do.

Favorite cover art discussed on season 1 of the Judged by the Cover Podcast

Phils Pick

Chicago 10

Chicago X album Cover

Josh Pick

Linkin Park Meteora

Linkin Park Meteora cover art

There's way more that we talked about on the podcast that I just ran out of time to list. What was your favorite album cover that we talked about on season 1 of the Judged by the Cover podcast...? Let us know in the comments below.


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