How important cover art is for music in our digital streaming music world.

In today’s digital world, we don’t interact with physical albums or cd’s very often. Most of our music consumption happens digitally through apps like Apple Music, Spotify, or Youtube. The stats show that on average 100,000 songs are being uploaded daily to these popular streaming sites….yes you read that right…100,000 a day!!! So my question to you is, how are you going to stand out in this sea of music? The answer…..with your cover art. Cover art is the visual gate way to your music, and it’s the image that people will associate with you and your songs. Just like anything in life, first impressions are key, and that song or album could be the first impression you make on a potential fan. Good music will always be good, but sometimes it takes great cover art to get someones attention long enough for them to give it a listen.
So you may be asking, what can I do to make sure my cover art stands out…?
#1 - Use Unique Images/Artwork
The beautiful thing about album art work is that it is art. There is no right or wrong answer, because interpretations and opinions are always going to vary. With that said, you need to make sure that your image or artwork you are using is unique to you and your brand. Think about the story or emotion of the song, and use that as the starting point for your cover idea. Commission a custom art piece or work with a creative photographer to get the image that's just right for your project.
#2 - Size Matters
When thinking about your artwork, you have to think about how people are going to be viewing it. A photo or image may look really good when looking at it in full screen on your 14”-20+” computer screen, but how good is it going to look in a little 1”x1” square or smaller…? Is it going to still catch my attention at that scale…?
#3 - Less Is "Usually" More
There is always this urge to keep adding, and adding, and adding…….when it comes to design. There are instances where this “may” help, but the “Less is More” philosophy usually makes the biggest impact. I think this is said best by Antoine de Saint-Exupery - "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." If your cover art only has a split second to catch my attention, make sure there isn’t too much stuff getting in the way!
"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.." – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
#4 - Hire A Designer, Like ME!!
Yes, you are a creative person, and you have great ideas for your album/single cover art, but sometimes we can get in our own way of figuring out how to visually represent our songs and albums. In my, obviously biased opinion, the best way to make sure your cover art is the best it can be, is to hire a designer like me! This allows you to do what you do best, make great music, and let me create the cover art that best represents you and your work. I'm a musician myself so I hear and understand the art of music different then most. This allows me to really dive into the emotion and story of a song/album. I also have connections with great photographers, and artists, to make your cover art dreams come to life. You can learn more about my creative process by checking out this note.
Different Options For Great Cover Art, For Any Budget!
One of my goals with JW Creates, is to provide cover art options for every level musician and artist. With varying budgets and needs in mind, there are two different ways to work with me. First is my full custom option, and just as it sounds its fully customized to you and your song. You can find out more here. The second option is my Pre-Made Covers. These are templates that will give you that fully custom look, with out the price tag. These styles are first come first serve, so no other artist is going to get the same cover as you. There are options where you provide a photo, or not, and there is still some room to customize it to best represent you. Another big perk of the pre-made covers is the quick turnaround time. Check out my Pre-Made Cover art options here.
Whether you decide to work with me, or attempt making your album art yourself, keep these ideas in mind for your next project!